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Water is a fundamental human need. Each person on Earth requires at least 20 liters of clean, safe water a day for drinking, and cooking. Purified water tastes better! “And makes your coffee, tea, and beverages taste better.” No more bad tastes from chlorine, and chloramines. By removing these chemicals, it can be good overall for your digestive system.


Our skin goes through a lot on a daily basis that we don’t even think about. Damaged skin can happen from simply getting washed. Some problems we deal with daily are dryness, breakouts, itchiness and more. A lot of our skin problems are caused by harsh soaps with detergents, and residues from hard water. With soft water, you can use the mildest, natural, pure soap. Enjoy soft skin again!


Hard water makes your hair feel dull and dry. Long term exposure to hard water on your hair can sometimes lead to weighing your hair down with extra minerals. You can use 75% less shampoo with soft water. If you have a lot of people in your home, the savings from this can add up quickly. A whole home solution with a water softener that removes all of the annoying minerals, will leave you with soft, healthy hair and skin.


The minerals in hard water have ions that form into insoluble salts, called soap scum, which can leave hard to remove coatings on dishware and glassware. It also forms scale in coffee makers and everywhere else it sits. Hard water contains minerals like calcium and magnesium, which dry onto your glasses and cutlery and leave ugly white streaks. If you do your washing up with soft water, on the other hand, you will get a shiny, streak-free finish.


Minerals from hard water can coat fabrics, which makes them stiff and dulls their colors. You can keep your favorite linens in prime condition for longer if you wash them with soft water. Keep your whites whiter, your colors brighter and enjoy fluffy towels!


Hard water leaves scale on pipes encourages galvanic corrosion, meaning that it eats away at the surface of anything that is even slightly conductive to electricity. This shortens the lifespan of any pipe it builds on, and it is very inconvenient and expensive to replace pipes. It also leaves hard to clean soap scum and minerals on shower doors, and appliances. Soft water will does not do this. You will have a cleaner home with less work!

Why You Should Choose AWP Water Systems

Premium Products

Our products are manufactured by highly experienced, and innovative companies:
VESTA Water Treatment systems are custom built by Nelsen Corporation. Nelsen Corporation has been providing homeowners with the best water treatment solutions for more than 65 years.
Watts Water Technologies has been providing state of the art water systems for over 146 years. From water softeners to reverse osmosis, you need water and water needs Watts.
All of our systems are engineered for World-Class Design!

Better Taste

Peace of mind about quality and better tasting water aren’t the only benefits you get from reverse osmosis drinking water. By adding a reverse osmosis system to your home, you could find your family stays hydrated and makes healthier choices! It’s been said that better tasting water can help families cut down on sugary drinks.
In addition to better tasting water, you’ll notice that your food and coffee taste better because you’ve used filtered water. Plus, you’ll stop wasting money on bottled water, and you’ll get crystal clear ice cubes.

Better Laundry

Clothes will be softer, cleaner, whiter and brighter, and last longer. Using soft water and pure soap products increases the life of clothing, towels and linens up to 33%. Without hard water service issues, washing machines will last longer, too.